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(59 Audio Files)
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Rabbi Muskin
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Amida Malchut Beit David.mp3
Rabbi Muskin
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Rabbi Muskin
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Amida - Restoration Justice
Rabbi Muskin
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Rabbi Muskin
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Baruch Hashem L'Olam
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Baruch Shem Kevod Part 1
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Barukh Shamar Part 1
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Barukh Shamar part 2
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Chatzi Kaddish
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Birchot Keriyat Shema 2
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Birchat HaTorah 3
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Birchot HaTorah 2
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Birchot HaShachar - Ashar Nata
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Birchot Keriyat Shema 1
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Birkat Yozer Ohr 2
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Birchot Yotzer Ohr 1
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Brikhat Yotzer Ohr 3
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Haleluka 4
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First Chapter of Shema
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Halelukah 1-2
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Elokai Neshama 2
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Halelukah 3-4
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Elokai Neshama 1
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Haleluka 5
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HaMaavir Sheinah 1
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Hodu Part 1
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HaMaavir Sheinah 2
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Hashem Sfatai part 2 and Avot
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Hodu Part 2
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HaNoten Layaef Koach.mp3
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Hashem S'fa-tai Teef-tach
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Introduction to Tefilah.mp3
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Intro to Amida Part 1
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Intro to Amida Part 2
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Introduction to Pesukie D'Zimr
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Introduction to Birchot HaShachar II.mp3
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Introduction to Brachot
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Introduction to Birchot HaShachar.mp3
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Introduction to Siddur - Modeh
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Matir Asurim
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Learning After Birchas HaTorah
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Learning After Birchas HaTorah
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Mechin Mtzadei Gaver - Ozer Yi
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Oter Yisrael B'Tifara
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Amida 2nd Bracha
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Netilat Yadayim
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Amida - 3rd Bracha Atah Kadosh
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Amida -Blessing-of-Knowledge-2
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Amida -Blessing-of-Knowledge
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Adon Olam
Rabbi Muskin
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Third Chapter of Shema-Tzitzit
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Yehi Kavod
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Yehi Ratzon Shtazeleni HaYaom Uv'chol Yom
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The Mystery of HaNoten Layaef Koach
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third Bracha of Amidah-Atah Kadosh
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Fri, February 7 2025 9 Shevat 5785